Rectangular & square profiles
Rectangular & square profiles

Rectangular & square profiles

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Standard Tubes and Profiles As KMC Group, we serve to automotive main industry, furniture, domestic appliance, steel goods, decoration, heating & cooling, air conditioning, civil works & steel construction, scaffolding profiles, heated towel rack, solar energy systems, and agricultural irrigation & greenhouse industries by specially produced profiles with MEKO Brand. We continue to our stabilized commercial life for over half century, with annually 150 thousand trade capacity of Carbon Steel, Galvanized, Hot Rolled and pre-painted on demand and following the latest technology in order to serve you better. We maintain our quality perspective by performing physical & chemical tests in our own in house laboratories and R&D center, from raw material to finished products, using EC (Eddy Current), leak proof test, zinc spray coating on welding point and internal deburring processes. Your special cut to length requirements can be done in our computer controlled CNC and multi saw lines.
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