Bio Copoazu Butter
Bio Copoazu Butter

Bio Copoazu Butter

Über dieses Produkt

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The butter is extracted from the pure seeds of the fruit to obtain raw, filtered and unrefined butter. Also available as deodorized butter: Obtained from Copoazú fruit seeds, it is a Natural emollient and superior moisturizing ingredient in skincare and haircare formulation. Very soft as compared with other vegetable butters. Very pleasant to touch, and it does not make the skin shiny. Great skin moisturizer capable to help in the emulsion stability and water retention. Our butter has fantastic properties for cosmetic uses as it contains generous amounts of essential fatty acids: Oleic acid (w9) 43-45% Stearic acid (30-32%), phytochemicals phytosterols. MOQ: 20 kg
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